Internship program

In addition to co-op experience, internships are crucial for engineering students who want to understand how to succeed on the job from day one. In the field, you’ll gain valuable experience in your chosen profession that will enhance the world class education you are receiving.

An estimated eight out of 10 students in the Wayne State College of Engineering completes at least one internship prior to graduating. These students develop both hard and soft skills while learning to work on interdisciplinary teams in rapidly evolving industries.

Our students can be found interning in small independent firms to some of the most globally known corporations, many located just a few miles from Wayne State’s campus in midtown Detroit.

According to annual surveys taken one month prior to graduation, nearly 40% of Wayne State engineering graduates who had already landed a job did so via an internship or co-op. Ultimately, the goal for faculty, academic staff and employers is the same: nurture talented and industry-ready graduates who have a much clearer vision of their professional goals.

Internship expectations

The internship for credit should be a new job or a new experience within an existing job. The work performed should lead to new learning, discovery or growth for the student and contribute toward the student's academic program.

Registering for the internship course

BE 3510 is the one credit class students may register for to have their internship documented on their transcript. Students may take BE 3510 up to six times for a total of 6 credits.

Before registering for the BE 3510 speak with your advisor on how BE 3510 will work towards your degree. Students on an F-1 visa will also want to speak with an OISS advisor to understand if they are eligible for CPT.

Internship program process

  1. Obtain an internship position. (International students must get approval through OISS).
  2. Secure an official offer letter and detailed job description
  3. Ask your co-op supervisor/mentor to complete the Supervisor/Mentor Authorization Agreement form
  4. Complete a CPT form (if a student on an F-1 visa and eligible)

Applying for the one credit internship course (BE 3510)

Be sure to have the following documents ready before you complete the online application: 

  1. Offer/employment letter - it should be on branded company letterhead and signed by the supervisor or HR and must include their contact information.
  2. Job description- outlining the specific functions and tasks you will be performing
  3. Supervisor/Mentor Authorization Agreement form (with signature)
  4. Completed CPT  form (if a student on an F-1 visa)

A student must do the following to receive approval for an internship for credit and to enroll in the respective course:

  • Once you have all three of the above,  you are ready to fill out the online application for the one credit internship course (BE 3510).
  • Within 5 business days after submitting your request, you will be notified by WSU email if your application is approved or declined.
  • If approved, the director of student services for the college of engineering will email you and the manager on record providing permission to register for BE 3510. 
  • After approved, you will register for BE 3510 for one credit

Applications for the internship course will not be approved for an internship that is completed or in-progress. The online application for the one credit internship course (BE 3510) must have been submitted and approved prior to classes starting for the respective semester.

Course requirements

The internship course will not meet as a regular class, but the following course requirements must be met to earn course credit:

  • Perform job requirements in a professional manner.
  • Maintain regular and prompt attendance as agreed upon with supervisor.
  • Become familiar with the expectations of the internship.
  • At the six-week mark submit a status report in Canvas noting the projects you are assigned, completion percentage and due date.
  • Your supervisor will be contacted halfway through the semester to request a Teams meeting or an onsite visit to discuss your performance.
  • Submit a report at the end of your internship. Parameters for this assignment will be listed in Canvas. This is an executive summary/reflection paper.

Course grade

The internship course is graded on a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) basis and will be noted on the student’s transcript. Failure to complete the internship and/or required submissions will result in an Unsatisfactory (U) for the final grade and no credit will be earned. A student's grade will be based upon the following:

  • Performance evaluation from the employer meeting
  • Mid semester status report
  • Executive summary/final paper

Obtaining an internship

The Engineering Career Resource Center and Handshake are valuable resources in your internship search. Other resources for internship opportunities include:
