Call for submissions: "Real Life Applications of Fuzzy Logic"
Dr. Harpreet Singh, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is the Lead Guest Editor for a special issue of Hindawi's "Advances in Fuzzy Systems" Journal on "Real Life Applications of Fuzzy Logic." Authors from all branches of engineering and science are invited to submit for this issue.
From Hindawi: "The objective of this special issue is to explore the advances of fuzzy logic in a large number of real life and commercial products in a variety of fields. Although fuzzy logic has got applications in a number of different areas, it is not yet known to the nonfuzzy people how it can be applied in different products which are available in the market. Berkeley Institute of Soft Computing (BISC) is compiling all the applications of the fuzzy logic. It is important that nonfuzzy people know where the fuzzy logic can be used. For nonfuzzy people, the word 'Fuzzy' is still fuzzy."
Manuscripts are due February 10, 2012. Click here for more details.