Chemical engineering assistant professor receives Wayne State University Academy of Scholars Junior Faculty Award
Eranda Nikolla, assistant professor of chemical engineering, has received the Wayne State University Academy of Scholars Junior Faculty Award for the 2016-17 academic year.
The award is given annually to select faculty members who have a significant record of publications or creative achievement, and who have achieved national or international recognition very early in their careers. Faculty members who are chosen receive $1,000 to continue their research. Nikolla was selected for her research studying various issues related to electrochemical systems.
"It is a tremendous honor to have been selected to receive the WSU Academy's Junior Faculty Award for the 2016-17 academic year, which recognizes the impact of the scientific work in my research group," said Nikolla.
The academy's purpose is to raise the scholastic prestige of the university by bringing the most prominent academic experts to campus and to create a community of scholars from among its most celebrated researchers. In the past, the academy has hosted Nobel Prize winners and experts in a variety of disciplines from around the world.
Nikolla will be officially recognized at the academy's banquet in October, and will present her research to fellow academy members during the year.