Computer science professor appointed to editorial positions for industry publications
Computer Science Professor Weisong Shi has been appointed to editorial positions for two industry publications due to his research contributions.
Shi will serve as associate editor of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Transactions on Services Computing (TSC). Published quarterly, TSC highlights computing and software aspects of the science and technology of services innovation research and development. He will evaluate the submissions related to energy efficiency and cloud computing.
Shi will also take the role of editor in chief of Elsevier's Smart Health journal. The journal covers research topics that relate to devices, sensors, computing and communication tools to develop improvements in health care technology. The journal will feature works from medical and engineering fields. As editor in chief, Shi will bring together an editorial board for the journal and review paper submissions.
"The launch of Smart Health journal by Elsevier is very timely and urgent to the smart and connected health community. After we successfully launched the IEEE Connected Health conference (CHASE) last June, the community was formed and it was a natural step to have an archived journal to publish the latest results in this new and exciting field," said Shi. "I am so pleased and honored to be appointed as a founding editor in chief of the journal."