EngiNerds 4.0

The EngiNerds show off their artistic skills in the window painting event from Warrior Games 2009 (left) and 2010.

The College of Engineering's EngiNerds are gearing up once again for the Wayne State University Warrior Games. The team of self-proclaimed engineering nerds will compete April 18-25 at the Mort Harris Recreational and Fitness Center among other sites on campus.

In their fourth year of competition, the EngiNerds 4.0 will challenge fraternities, sororities, and various WSU colleges and student groups. The EngiNerds have been the number one college team at the Warrior Games the past couple of years and last year they placed second overall, beating out the competitive fraternities, and won first place in table tennis, volleyball and window painting.

Gabriela Diaz, team captain and mechanical engineering senior, says she first organized the team of engineering students in 2008 to help improve the college climate.

"Participating in warrior games the first year (pre-EngiNerds) was a great experience," says Diaz. "As a freshman it provided me with the sense of campus life that I really wanted and I wanted to share that with the rest of the college. Participating on the EngiNerds team turned out to be an even better experience in terms of exercising talents outside the classroom, getting to know people (in the college as teammates and from Wayne State as competitors), and creating this great sense of pride within the COE."

Diaz and her co-captains - Gustavo Serratos, civil engineering senior, and Vanda Ametlli, industrial and systems engineering graduate student - say they are trying to get the entire college involved and encourage faculty and staff to come cheer the team on at the events. Volunteers are also needed to help the EngiNerds out at the Warrior Games.

Students can still be a part of the team by adding their names to the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board across the hall from the ASCE Room on the first floor of the Engineering Building.

The Warrior Games Handbook with this year's schedule can be found here.

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