Farewell to Mumtaz Usmen
Mumtaz Usmen served as the College of Engineering's interim dean from August 2009, when then-dean Ralph Kummler resigned, until this February when Dean Fotouhi began his term.
Before being named the college's associate dean for research in 2007, Usmen was chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department for 18 years. During his tenure as chair, the department was actively involved in civil engineering projects throughout the region while it developed new, well-qualified civil engineers.
Usmen also has been very active in leadership positions in local, state and national professional societies, particularly the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers. He is a member of the Board of Ethical Review for the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), teaches engineering ethics at the college, and holds workshops on engineering ethics in the United States and abroad.
Usmen earned his Ph.D. from West Virginia University in 1977, a master of science from California State University-Long Beach in 1972, and a bachelor of science from Robert College in Istanbul in 1970.
Usmen will be on sabbatical until December 2011 and will return to a teaching position at the college in January 2012.