Sandro Da Rocha
associate professor of chemical engineering and materials science, was invited to headline a free webinar for Biolin Scientific titled "Measuring Interfacial Tension and Contact Angle at High Pressures and Temperatures." The live webinar was held on Mar. 31, 2015, but participants can still register for future broadcasts to be held on Apr. 8th and Apr. 9th, 2015.
Interfacial tension and contact angle measurements provide valuable information in different applications where three-phase (solid-fluid-fluid) or two-phase (fluid-fluid) interfaces exist. While many industrially relevant phenomena happens at ambient conditions, others, such as those in oil reservoirs, take place under extreme conditions of pressures and temperatures, and thus require specialized strategies to determine the interfacial properties that are of great relevance to important phenomena such as flow in enhanced oil recovery, and precipitation of asphaltenes. In the webinar, participants discuss strategies for the measurement of interfacial tension and contact angle at high pressures and temperatures as well as their functional properties in different industries. The webinar is free and all are welcome to join!
To learn more and register visit