Wayne State alumni awarded at Engineering Society of Detroit event
The Wayne State University College of Engineering was well represented by alumni and faculty at the Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) Gold Award Banquet on March 29, as three WSU graduates were among those honored at Henry Ford College in Dearborn.
The event recognizes leading engineers, scientists and technical professionals who have distinguished themselves through outstanding achievement and service within their respective societies.
The Wayne State alumni awardees included:
The three honorees were joined by Heinz Plaumann, AIChE Detroit Section board member and adjunct faculty member in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science; Charles Manke, AIChE Detroit Section board member and associate dean for faculty affairs in the College of Engineering; and Chris Dakin, B.S. '93, M.B.A. '07.
Pictured right with the Wayne State contingent is Pranab Saha, the 2017 ESD Gold Award recipient.