Hwai-Chung Wu
Associate Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hwai-Chung Wu
Associate Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Courses Taught
- Undergraduate
- CE 4400 Structural Analysis (4 Credits)
- BE 1300 Basic Engineering 2: Material Science and Engineering Applications (3 credits)
- Graduate
- CE 6330 Advanced Structural Analysis (4 Credits)
- CE 7300 Advanced Structural Mechanics (4 Credits)
- CE 7460 Advanced Composite Materials for Civil Infrastructure (4 Credits)
Research Projects
Lightweight High Ductility Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites and Structural Applications.
The primary objective of the proposed research is to develop a methodology for production of light weight (density between 1.0 - 1.5 g/cm3) and ductile fiber reinforced cement. Potential applications include structural panels and continuous pavement. -
Nonlinear Acoustics for Durability Assessment of Concrete and Bonding Conditions between Concrete and FRP Retrofit.
The goal of this study is to develop a new methodology and enabling devices to evaluate the durability of concrete structures and Adhesively Bonded Composite/Concrete. This new active modulation approach has been shown much sensitive to lower damage states and less dependent on the repeatability of the coupling of the acoustic transducers, comparing with more conventional linear ultrasonic techniques. -
Preform Infiltrated Concrete and Its Applications.
The goal of this study is to develop a new process for making thin sheet cement product reinforced with 3-D fabrics. This cement composite has a very high flexural strength and excellent ductility (MOR is over 40 MPa at present, but can possibly reach 100 MPa in future). -
Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic Composite Bus Body Structural Integrity Analysis.
The goals of this project are to conduct mechanical tests to characterize the constitutive behavior of FRP panels, and to develop finite element model to simulate the static and dynamic response of FRP bus. The data collected from the mechanical tests will be input to the FEM model for reliable predictions