Computer science professors win Most Influential Paper Award
DETROIT (Dec. 10, 2013) - Andrian Marcus, Wayne State University associate professor of computer science, and Vaclav Rajlich, Wayne State professor of computer science, were awarded the Most Influential Paper Award at the 11th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE). The award, selected by the conference program committee, is given each year to the most influential paper from the edition 10 years prior. For 2014, the competition was especially strong, as WCRE merged with the IEEE European Conference on Software Maintenance (CSMR) and the most influential paper was selected among the papers presented at both conferences in 2004.
Their paper, titled "An Information Retrieval Approach to Concept Location in Source Code," was co-authored with Wayne State computer science alumni Andrey Sergeyev and Jonathan Maletic. The paper has been cited 277 times according to Google Scholar ( Marcus will present a retrospective on the paper during the 2014 WCRE-CSMR Software Evolution Week, on Feb. 5, 2014, in Antwerp, Belgium.
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