College of Engineering announces recipients of Excellence in Teaching accolades

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Four Wayne State University educators were recently acknowledged with the College of Engineering Awards for Excellence in Teaching, which recognizes outstanding faculty who demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of their subject, superior classroom performance and high educational standards. The 2024 honorees include:

  • Lubna Alazzawi, associate professor (teaching) of electrical and computer engineering
  • Mohsen Ayoobi, associate professor of engineering technology
  • Masoud Nazari, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Gozde Tutuncuoglu, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering

Lubna AlazzawiAlazzawi has been a key instructor in the basic engineering program since 2016. Her approach incorporates Arduino microprocessor-based design projects, tailored to engage first-year students of varied backgrounds and skill levels. Her teaching effectiveness is evidenced by consistently high SET scores and positive student feedback, often highlighting her caring and supportive nature. A notable example of her creativity is the "Smart City" project, where students work on interconnected design projects such as automated gates and drawbridges within a model city, enhancing practical learning experiences. Beyond classroom teaching, Alazzawi organizes comprehensive campus tours for high school students, managing all logistics and personally guiding the tours. Her efforts foster a welcoming and inclusive community for students, an instrumental factor in nearly doubling the College of Engineering’s graduation rates by improving retention in introductory courses.

Mohsen AyoobiA 2023 selection for the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Ayoobi collaborates with the Office for Teaching and Learning to enhance student engagement and active learning. Numerous student testimonials praise his patience, availability, and ability to make challenging courses interesting. Ayoobi has led curriculum and laboratory enhancements, including upgrading the thermal science lab and developing a new robotics programming lab module. His innovative teaching includes creating project-oriented courses such as MCT 5210 and developing a new course on industrial applications of Python. Ayoobi has secured significant educational grants, including a $1.5 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant supporting scholarships and mentoring for disadvantaged students. His leadership in the M.S. program in alternative energy technology and active involvement in research projects have provided valuable opportunities for students.

Masoud NazariNazari has significantly enhanced the curriculum by developing innovative courses such as ECE 5415 Smart Grid and Smart Systems and ECE 7820 Electricity Market. His dynamic teaching style and clear delivery of complex concepts have earned him consistently high SET scores. Nazari has guided four Ph.D. students, a postdoctoral fellow, and numerous undergraduate and graduate students including a winning team in the DTE E-Challenge 5 Competition. His supervision of capstone design projects connects academic theory with practical applications, fostering innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. Nazari’s commitment to equity and accessibility is evident through his open-door policy and prompt feedback, creating a supportive learning environment. His collaborative research with students has led to notable contributions in esteemed journals and conferences. Endorsements from colleagues and students underscore his profound impact on the academic community.

Gozde TutuncuogluTutuncuoglu has secured funding from NSF and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to support semiconductor workforce training programs. She developed the college’s online master of science in semiconductor engineering, which she coordinates, and introduced two new courses ― ECE 5580 Advanced Nanoelectronics and ECE 7995 Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing ― which have seen increasing enrollment and high teaching evaluations. Her teaching philosophy integrates cutting-edge research into the curriculum, preparing students for industry challenges. She oversees the Capstone Design course, using a student-centric approach that includes industry professional seminars and personalized project feedback. Tutuncuoglu is actively involved in outreach, organizing technical seminars and STEM activities for K-12 students. She serves as a faculty member in the REU: Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing program, and she recently received the IEEE Region 4 Student Branch Counselor award.


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