Alumni Council

With an aim to increase the value of a Wayne State engineering and computer science degree, the Engineering Alumni Council works on behalf of more than 29,000 alumni who live in every state and 40 countries around the world.

The Engineering Alumni Council represents these alumni and serves as the college's chief volunteer body, responsible for alumni volunteer programs, events and communications.

With many great cultural, academic and career-focused opportunities and events throughout the year, Engineering Alumni Council programs offer the chance to volunteer time and expertise to support student learning and career preparation, as well as a great opportunity to connect with fellow engineering alumni.

There are four taskforce groups within the council, focused on key areas of engagement:

  • Student success and engagement
  • College representation
  • Council recruitment
  • Development

If you are interested in joining the Engineering Alumni Council, or if you have suggestions about how to help the council better serve the engineering alumni community, please contact Alumni Relations Officer Patti Wojtowicz at 313-577-6251 or

Council members 2022-24

Andy Gutierrez, chair
BSME '05

Frenae Smith, co-chair
BSChE '05, MSChE '10

Hassan Ajami
BSChE '01

Julian Bates
BSME '12

Zach Carr
BS '99, MS '01

Alex Davidson
BSME '13

Norm Dotson
BSIE '14, J.D. '19

Brian Geraghty
MSME '72

Firas Hamade
BSCS '00

Ashraf Jaber
BS '17

Sameer Khan
BSME '16

Austin Meredith
BSChE '17

Tressia Mills
BSME '98

Adam Niner
BSME '14, MBA 2020

Abhijit Nikhade
MSIE  ‘16

Julius Reeves
BSIE '86

Tony Ross
BSIE '90, MSIE '94

Don Smolenski
MSChE '79, PhDChE '90

Kim Tucker-Billingslea
BSCE '82, MSChE(HWM)  '01

Vaughn Watson
BSChE '96

Maryssa Weir
BSBME '16, MSBME '18

Kalpana Yendluri
MS '94