First-year spotlight on design

Fall term engineering/computer science students enrolled in Basic Engineering  (BE) 1200 Design in Engineering exhibit their engineered group projects and compete for awards in a fun interactive first year spotlight on design event.

The course is centered on the core principles of engineering practice: design, teamwork and professional ethics. The event empowers first-year students to pursue engineering excellence and nurture relevant problem-solving ideas that cover a wide range of applications.

Fellow students, BE 1200 students' family members, and local high schools/community members are invited to interact with the groups, view their projects, and vote for their favorite engineered design. The winning team has bragging rights to our 3D-printed trophy, and their project design lives in our glass case. 

Fall 2019 was our inaugural first year spotlight on design event; 275 first-year students created 70 projects. Here's a sample of team project topics.

  • pizza delivery drone
  • smart home
  • folding chair
  • adjustable wrench
  • mechanical hand
  • toy car
  • vise-grip pliers
  • racing drone
  • 2D hydrocephalus model

BE 1200 is a great way to start your engineering experience, and this event is a fun way to showcase your engineering skills.

Real-world application