Doctoral programs

*  GRE score is required for admission
** GRE score may be requested as needed

Biomedical Engineering (Ph.D.) *

The Biomedical Engineering Department at Wayne State University offers Bridge Certificate in Injury Biomechanics, MS, PhD and MD/PhD degrees.  It is involved in some of the most advanced research in the field. Our faculty have made significant contributions to automotive safety and the prevention of sports-related and military injuries. Groundbreaking research is also being conducted in the development of tissue-engineered nerves and heart valves as well as imaging techniques for improved diagnosis of brain injury and cancer. Our research has led to improvement in the standards of the automotive industry, better protective equipment for our soldiers and athletes, new techniques to repair damaged tissue, and improved diagnostic imaging of trauma and disease. 

Learn more about Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Imaging (Dual-Title Ph.D.)

Students who have been admitted to any biomedical related Ph.D. program are eligible to apply for admission to the Biomedical Imaging Dual-Title program at the end of their first year. Dual-title areas of study typically are interdisciplinary with courses and faculty housed in various departments. When incorporated into an existing biomedical program, they provide students with knowledge and skills that graduates of traditional programs do not have. 

Learn more about our Dual-Title Ph.D. in Biomedical Imaging

Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.)

The graduate program in chemical engineering at Wayne State University is designed to provide students with various opportunities to develop advanced competence in traditional and modern chemical engineering science to solve challenging problems. The program attracts high-quality and enthusiastic students from a variety of backgrounds, such as chemical engineering, (bio)chemistry, biology, polymer engineering and energy engineering. Active research areas include nanotechnology, biotechnology, energy, product and process systems engineering, and sustainable engineering.

The Ph.D. in chemical engineering is a research-oriented degree that prepares students for independent research careers in industry or academia. 

Learn more about Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering (Ph.D.) **

The Department offers doctoral programs in all the major areas listed as core specializations under the Master of Science degree: environmental engineering, structures, and transportation. Ph.D. applications are currently not being accepted at this time for geotechnical engineering and construction engineering management.

Learn more about Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering and Urban Sustainability (Dual-Title Ph.D.)

Students admitted to the Ph.D. program in Civil and Environmental Engineering can apply to earn a Ph.D. with a major in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a dual-title in Urban Sustainability. This dual-title degree is designed to prepare professionals to solve challenging urban problems that require working across disciplines. Students enrolled in the dual-title program take courses in topics and develop specific skills relating to urban sustainability. Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering will also conduct an internship or science exchange in Urban Sustainability, help develop and participate in colloquia and seminars, perform community service, and write funding proposals. The dual-title coursework follows competencies outlined by the Transformative Research in Urban Sustainability Training program.

Learn more about Dual-Title Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Urban Sustainability

Computer Engineering (Ph.D.) *

The Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate program offers one of the broadest curricula within the college, with courses spanning a wide range of sub-disciplines.  To focus their efforts, graduate students may consider selecting courses based on an area of concentration.

Learn more about Ph.D. in Computer Engineering

Computer Science (Ph.D.) *

The mission of the Ph.D. program in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University is to prepare students to become leading researchers and educators, both in academia and in industry. First, we expect students to obtain a broad knowledge of computer science by taking graduate-level courses in a variety of sub-areas in computer science, such as artificial intelligence, networking, databases, algorithms, complexity, hardware, human-computer interaction, graphics or bioinformatics. Second, since the Ph.D. is a scholarly degree, a core objective of the program is to prepare computer science professionals who are able to conduct research of exceptional quality. By working closely with a faculty advisor, a Ph.D. student is expected to develop a research project in one of the several sub-disciplines of computer science supported by the department. In addition, the departmental research laboratories possess state-of-the-art computational resources that enable students to tackle a wide range of computationally intensive problems as part of a research team. Upon completion of the Ph.D. program, a student will be able to pursue a career as a computer science professional in academic research, computer science education, industrial applications and related management positions. 

Learn more about Ph.D. in Computer Science

Electrical Engineering (Ph.D.) *

The Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate program offers one of the broadest curricula within the college, with courses spanning a wide range of sub-disciplines.  To focus their efforts, graduate students may consider selecting courses based on an area of concentration.

Learn more about Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

Global Executive Track - GET (Ph.D.)

The Global executive track (GET) Ph.D. program is based on the expectation that you, learning partner, will develop the ability to think intensely and critically about problems confronting an organization, a community, a nation and the world. Through conceptually modeling these problems, assessing and modifying the assumptions underlying the models, testing assumptions empirically and applying modes of thought drawn from many disciplines, you will draw conclusions and propose solutions based on the results your research generates.

Our curricula and coursework provide a foundation for conducting rigorous research and practicing evidence-based management. Courses are interrelated theoretically and methodologically and prepare you to bring academic, theoretical and empirical perspectives to take on problems that you face in your organization or in public policy advocacy.

Learn more about a Ph.D. with the Global Executive Track Program

Industrial Engineering (Ph.D.) *

The faculty and students conduct research in most areas of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering and bring annually more than $3 million in federal, state and industrial research grants. The department has a rich history of conducting research with strong emphasis on addressing "real world" problems. This is attributed mostly to our prime location (in Southeast Michigan, the epicenter of U.S. automotive industry) as well as recruitment of faculty with substantial industry and consulting experience.

Learn more about Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering (Ph.D.)

Wayne State University's graduate program in materials science (M.S. and Ph.D.) offers an outstanding foundation for careers in research, academia and industrial manufacturing. We have a strong focus on the development of novel nanomaterials (polymers and metals) for industrial applications ranging from automotive, medical, electronic and materials for energy-related applications. Broad areas of interests include energy, nanotechnology, nanomedicine, polymer processing, simulations/modeling and biofuels. Students perform research and learn in a collaborative and challenging environment.

Learn more Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering

Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.)

The mechanical engineering curriculum is designed to prepare graduate students in many applied fields, including such important areas as biomechanics, energy conversion, combustion engines, emissions controls, machine tool design, manufacturing, computer graphics, structural analysis, automatic controls, vehicle dynamics and design, continuum mechanics, fluid dynamics, environmental design, mechanisms, acoustics and noise control, laser diagnostics and composite materials. Faculty members in the department are currently engaged in state-of-the-art research in all of these areas. Specialized areas of research support for graduate students include: manufacturing processes, composite material behavior, combustion, acoustics and noise control, vibrations, laser diagnostics, biomechanics, control of mechanical systems, sheet metal stamping, and engine research.

Learn more about a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering