Computer Science - Course schedules

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Upcoming semester courses

1000 Introduction to Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20759 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M  2:30pm - 5:00pm
3.0 LCT Goel, Narendra S.

1002 Personal Digital Security

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22035 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Lowman, Jeffery Scott

1050 Introduction to C and Unix

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22073 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
F  5:30pm - 8:00pm
2.0 LL Hejrati, Behzad

1100 Problem Solving and Programming

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23443 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LAB Panthi, Ojaswee
23442 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  4:00pm - 5:15pm
4.0 LAB Zhou, Shiman
23441 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
4.0 LAB Agraharavalagerahalli Jayaramu, Punith
23439 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
4.0 LCT Nasser, Hadi M
23727 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
4.0 LAB Joginapally, Gayathri
23440 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
4.0 LAB He, Qisheng

1500 Fundamental Structures in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23449 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  2:30pm - 3:45pm
4.0 LCT Palazzolo, Thomas Joseph
23452 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  4:00pm - 5:15pm
4.0 LAB Zhang, Chencheng
23451 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
4.0 LAB Somashekhar, Brunda
23450 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
4.0 LAB Zhang, Chencheng

2110 Computer Science I

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23455 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  11:30am - 12:45pm
4.0 LAB Mgboh, Ujunwa Tessy
23458 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  6:00pm - 8:30pm
4.0 LAB Rushaidat, Kamel Ibrahim
23457 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M  6:00pm - 8:30pm
4.0 LCT Rushaidat, Kamel Ibrahim
23456 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
4.0 LAB Mgboh, Ujunwa Tessy
24708 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  10:00am - 11:15am
4.0 LCT Schwiebert, Loren J.
23454 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  11:30am - 12:45pm
4.0 LAB Muppalam, Poornesh

2200 Computer Science II

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23478 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Tan, Yufen
23461 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  2:30pm - 4:10pm
4.0 LAB Yan, Guoli
23463 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Aidibi, Raef A
23462 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Aidibi, Raef A
23460 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M  2:30pm - 4:10pm
4.0 LAB Yan, Guoli
23656 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  2:30pm - 4:10pm
4.0 LAB Bakhshan, Saeed
23479 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
R  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Tan, Yufen
23459 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
4.0 LCT Grosu, Daniel

3010 Ethics in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22305 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  11:30am - 12:45pm
3.0 LCT Palazzolo, Thomas Joseph
22358 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
3.0 LCT Dattathreya, Macam S.

3020 Java Programming

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22844 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  12:30pm - 2:10pm
3.0 LL Myers, Jason Emmett
22008 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  8:30am - 10:10am
3.0 LL Jayyousi, Thaer Wael
24088 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  10:30am - 12:10pm
3.0 LL Jayyousi, Thaer Wael

3100 Computer Architecture and Organization

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23481 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Imran, M.M.
23482 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Imran, M.M.
23483 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Aidibi, Raef A
23484 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
R  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Aidibi, Raef A
23480 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Palazzolo, Thomas Joseph

3110 Algorithm Design and Analysis

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24707 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
3.0 LCT Cavicchio, John Charles
22074 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  7:00pm - 8:15pm
3.0 LCT Cavicchio, John Charles

3200 Programming Languages

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23433 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  11:30am - 12:45pm
3.0 LCT Fahmida, Sezana

3400 Human-Computer Interaction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22765 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Hua, Jing

3750 Introduction to Web Technology

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
21903 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Rushaidat, Kamel Ibrahim

4110 Software Engineering

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23486 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T  5:30pm - 7:10pm
4.0 LAB Rahman, Arif Shariar
23485 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  10:00am - 11:15am
4.0 LCT Bosu, Amiangshu Shekhar
23692 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
R  2:30pm - 4:10pm
4.0 LAB Myers, Jason Emmett
23691 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T  2:30pm - 5:00pm
4.0 LCT Myers, Jason Emmett
23487 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
R  5:30pm - 7:10pm
4.0 LAB Rahman, Arif Shariar

4190 Computer Network Systems and Applications

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24789 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
3.0 LCT Fahmida, Sezana

4310 IT Software Management

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23436 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  4:00pm - 5:15pm
3.0 LCT George, Alex M

4320 Systems Administration

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23437 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  10:30am - 11:20am
3.0 LCT Witten, Doug Scott

4330 Mobile Application Development

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23130 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  11:30am - 12:45pm
3.0 LCT Nasser, Hadi M

4420 Computer Operating Systems

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23491 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M  9:30am - 11:10am
4.0 LAB LaFrance, Tyler James
23493 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
R  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Nayfeh, Kamal Kayed
26130 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T  4:00pm - 5:20pm
4.0 LAB Mirnajafizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Mehdi
24750 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  11:30am - 12:45pm
4.0 LCT Tan, Yufen
23492 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Nayfeh, Kamal Kayed
26129 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
4.0 LCT Jang, Rhongho
23490 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  9:30am - 11:10am
4.0 LAB LaFrance, Tyler James

4500 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20043 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Fotouhi-Ardekani, Farshad
22098 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M  5:00pm - 7:30pm
3.0 LCT George, Alex M
26068 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Goel, Narendra S.

4710 Introduction to Database Management Systems

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24709 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Colon, David Lee
22099 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  10:00am - 11:15am
3.0 LCT Ramsey, Joseph D.
24151 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Ramsey, Joseph D.

4760 Introduction to Deep Learning

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24788 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  10:00am - 11:15am
3.0 LCT Han, Zhizhong

4990 Directed Study

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20015 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 4.0 IND Kotov, Alexander

4992 Special Topics in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24705 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
1.0 - 3.0 LCT Schwiebert, Loren J.
21915 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  8:30am - 9:20am
1.0 - 3.0 LCT Witten, Doug Scott

4995 Professional Practice in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20187 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 IND Grosu, Daniel

4996 Senior Capstone Project

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23498 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Mousavi Mojab, Seyed Ziae
23497 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Mousavi Mojab, Seyed Ziae
23495 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
4.0 LCT Mousavi Mojab, Seyed Ziae
23496 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
R  7:00pm - 8:40pm
4.0 LAB Mousavi Mojab, Seyed Ziae

4999 Honors Thesis

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20576 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
3.0 - 6.0 IND Kotov, Alexander

5270 Computer Systems Security

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24783 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
 7:00pm - 7:00pm
3.0 Hybrid - Face to Face & Online Zhu, Yi
24782 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Zhu, Yi

5272 Principles of Cyber Security

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23122 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Witten, Doug Scott
24052 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Witten, Doug Scott

5280 Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22275 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  5:30pm - 8:00pm
3.0 LCT Dong, Zheng

5290 Cyber Security Practice

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24935 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Fahmida, Sezana

5750 Principles of Web Technology

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
21625 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
3.0 LCT Nasser, Hadi M

5800 Intelligent Systems: Algorithms and Tools

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24792 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  4:00pm - 5:15pm
3.0 LCT Arslanturk, Suzan
24793 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Arslanturk, Suzan

5870 Computer Graphics I

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
25691 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
3.0 LCT Hua, Jing

5991 Special Topics in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
25705 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
1.0 - 4.0 LCT Khanduri, Prashant
25759 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T  5:00pm - 7:30pm
1.0 - 4.0 LCT Witten, Doug Scott

6430 Game Programming and Design II

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23684 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  5:30pm - 6:45pm
3.0 LCT Reynolds, Robert Gene
24802 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Reynolds, Robert Gene

6431 Game Programming and Design II: Lab

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
23685 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
W  7:00pm - 8:40pm
1.0 LAB Reynolds, Robert Gene
24803 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 1.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Reynolds, Robert Gene

6500 Theory of Languages and Automata

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20147 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  2:30pm - 3:45pm
3.0 LCT Fotouhi-Ardekani, Farshad

6580 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22534 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
 7:00pm - 7:00pm
3.0 Hybrid - Face to Face & Online Saifullah, Abusayeed Muhammad

6991 Topics in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
26050 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  1:00pm - 2:15pm
1.0 - 4.0 LCT Liu, Lihui
24015 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  2:30pm - 3:45pm
1.0 - 4.0 LCT Zhong, Zichun
25708 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  11:30am - 12:45pm
1.0 - 4.0 LCT Jang, Rhongho

6995 Internship in Computer Science

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
21601 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Draghici, Sorin
21610 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Reynolds, Robert Gene
22324 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Fotouhi-Ardekani, Farshad
21545 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Bosu, Amiangshu Shekhar
21608 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Liu, Lihui
21611 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Saifullah, Abusayeed Muhammad
21612 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Schwiebert, Loren J.
25709 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Zhu, Yi
24012 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Zhu, Dongxiao
20811 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Arslanturk, Suzan
21604 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Han, Zhizhong
21603 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Grosu, Daniel
21546 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Dong, Ming
21607 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Kotov, Alexander
23085 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Dong, Zheng
21609 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Lu, Shiyong
21605 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Hua, Jing
21602 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Fisher, Nathan W.
21606 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Khanduri, Prashant
21613 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 3.0 IND Zhong, Zichun

7220 Parallel Computing II: Algorithms and Applications

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
25712 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  2:30pm - 3:45pm
3.0 LCT Grosu, Daniel

7710 Database Management Systems II

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24712 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  5:30pm - 6:45pm
3.0 LCT Kotov, Alexander

7760 Deep Learning

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
25695 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  1:00pm - 2:15pm
3.0 LCT Dong, Ming

7800 Artificial Intelligence II

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
24762 01/06/25 - 04/29/25 3.0 Online - No Scheduled Meetings Reynolds, Robert Gene
23686 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  4:00pm - 5:15pm
3.0 LCT Reynolds, Robert Gene

7810 Data Mining: Algorithms and Applications

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22002 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  2:30pm - 3:45pm
3.0 LCT Arslanturk, Suzan

7825 Machine Learning

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22450 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  11:30am - 12:45pm
3.0 LCT Khanduri, Prashant

7990 Directed Study

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20286 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Arslanturk, Suzan
21538 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Khanduri, Prashant
26075 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Jang, Rhongho
21997 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Xu, Lihao
21542 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Reynolds, Robert Gene
24011 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Dong, Zheng
21539 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Kotov, Alexander
25710 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Zhu, Dongxiao
22325 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Fotouhi-Ardekani, Farshad
21581 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Schwiebert, Loren J.
21541 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Lu, Shiyong
21527 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Fisher, Nathan W.
21525 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Dong, Ming
21529 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Han, Zhizhong
21526 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Draghici, Sorin
21524 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Bosu, Amiangshu Shekhar
25761 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Zhu, Yi
21998 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Zhong, Zichun
21543 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Saifullah, Abusayeed Muhammad
21540 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Liu, Lihui
21530 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Hua, Jing
21528 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 5.0 IND Grosu, Daniel

8260 Seminar in Networking, Distributed Systems and Parallel Systems

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
25068 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
M W  2:30pm - 3:45pm
3.0 LCT Saifullah, Abusayeed Muhammad

8710 Seminar in Database Management Systems

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
22858 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T R  7:00pm - 8:15pm
3.0 LCT Lu, Shiyong

8990 Graduate Seminar

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20424 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
T  11:30am - 12:20pm
1.0 LCT Fisher, Nathan W.

8999 Master's Thesis Research and Direction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
21594 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Liu, Lihui
21582 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Bosu, Amiangshu Shekhar
21593 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Kotov, Alexander
21586 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Dong, Zheng
21595 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Lu, Shiyong
20587 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Arslanturk, Suzan
21592 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Khanduri, Prashant
21590 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Han, Zhizhong
24010 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Zhong, Zichun
25715 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Zhu, Dongxiao
21591 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Hua, Jing
21585 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Dong, Ming
21597 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Saifullah, Abusayeed Muhammad
22326 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Fisher, Nathan W.
25716 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Zhu, Yi
22000 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Liu, Lihui
21589 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Grosu, Daniel
21999 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Schwiebert, Loren J.
21596 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Reynolds, Robert Gene
21588 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Fotouhi-Ardekani, Farshad
21587 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Draghici, Sorin

9990 Pre-Doctoral Candidacy Research

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20602 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 8.0 IND Zhong, Zichun

9991 Doctoral Candidate Status I: Dissertation Research and Direction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20158 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
3.0 - 9.0 IND Zhong, Zichun

9992 Doctoral Candidate Status II: Dissertation Research and Direction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20129 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
1.0 - 18. IND Zhong, Zichun

9993 Doctoral Candidate Status III: Dissertation Research and Direction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20617 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
7.5 IND Zhong, Zichun

9994 Doctoral Candidate Status IV: Dissertation Research and Direction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20491 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
7.5 IND Zhong, Zichun

9995 Candidate Maintenance Status: Doctoral Dissertation Research and Direction

Course Ref # Start/End Dates Credits Type Professor
20088 01/06/25 - 04/29/25
IND Zhong, Zichun