News and Announcements
- Wayne State BME student Sage Ryland pairs passions for medical and cultural discovery via study abroad experience
- WSU research team awarded grant from National Science Foundation to help solve flooding in Detroit homes
- Wayne State and UNLV collaborate on NSF-funded project to improve task management in real-time systems
- Wayne State researchers aim to improve the future of diabetes therapy
- Wayne State’s Abolmaali brings robots, AI research to inspect service life of Michigan’s pipelines
- What the Global Executive Track Ph.D. offers industry professionals
- Wayne State electrical engineering alumnus and Nigeria native Habeeb Ayantayo devoted to belief that “everyone should have access to energy”
- Yildirim chosen to lead IISE Energy Systems Division
- Spotlight: Graduate Ambassador Peter Varma
- Wayne State receives $1.5M from NSF to support student success in engineering technology programs
- Wayne State to offer minor in industrial engineering beginning in fall 2022 semester
- $11.3 million NIH Superfund award to address environmental health issues caused by VOCs
- Helen Durand to receive Junior Faculty Award from WSU Academy of Scholars
- Wayne State researchers developing trustworthy AI app to mitigate online-to-offline sexual violence
- Draghici chosen to lead NSF program on machine learning, bioinformatics and computational biology
- Wayne State receives NSF funding for project to better detect potential cascading failures in modern power systems
- Huang to receive Cecil Award from AIChE for leadership in environmental sustainability research and education
- Sean Wu credited by National Academy of Engineering for creating targeted noise control theory
- Wayne State Professor Hao Ying to receive prestigious IEEE award for fundamental contributions to fuzzy systems research
- Wayne State Ph.D. candidate named CEO of Center for Automotive Research
- Yaprak honored by IEEE with Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities
- Wayne State University study provides framework for prioritizing investment in drinking water systems
- Wayne State invites future engineers back to campus for 2022 Summer Academy
- Wayne State University introducing M.S. program in artificial intelligence this fall
- Wayne State University dedicates biomedical engineering classroom in honor of Larry and Rose Page