Forms and procedures
- Leadership
- Committees
- Procedures and guidelines
- Personnel processing
- University marketing resources
- Engineering templates
- Research proposal submission and contracting resources
- SPA internal forms
- Sponsor-specific resources
- Faculty website request
- Faculty and staff directory (engineering website profiles)
- Cayuse/Evisions resources
- WSU resources and figures
- Other WSU resources
Procedures and guidelines
- College factors for promotion and tenure
- College bylaws
- College workload policy
- College research incentive policy
- Teaching load and buyout research incentive policy
Personnel processing
- Payroll hiring
- Change of assignment
- Hiring
- Termination
- Engineering UPTF course pools
- Hiring letter templates
University marketing resources
- Licensing and branded merchandise
- Logos and downloads
- Photography
- Style guide
- CMS web content training (Canvas)
Engineering templates
Research proposal submission and contracting resources
- Budget template (FY25)
- NSF budget justification template (F25)
- NIH budget justification template (F25)
- Budget template w/cost share (F25)
- Proposal request form
If you have any questions as it relates to research matters, please contact the research administrator assigned to your department:
Angela Childrey, CEE, ME & Dean's Office
Sonya Davis, ChE, ECE & ET
Carol Link, BME, ISE & CS
Visit the Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) website to learn more about related policies and procedures.
SPA internal forms
Sponsor-specific resources
- NSF Policy and Procedure Guide (PAPPG) October 2021
- NIH Grants Policy Statement December 2019
- NIH Salary Cap
Faculty website request
Faculty and staff directory (engineering's online profile)
We encourage all staff/faculty to have both a headshot and brief biography so our website, college and university are reflected in the best possible light. It is also nice for faculty/staff/students/industry to be able to put a face with a name/and field of expertise when corresponding.
To update your profile on the College of Engineering directory page, follow these steps:
- Log into with your WSU Access ID/Password
- Edit Profile - from here you will see all of the different fields you can edit (bio, location, phone, photo, etc) *Photo needs to be in JPG format. No larger than 600px
- Click “Save Profile” in upper right to save your changes
If you have a question or need assistance updating/editing your profile, please reach out to Sarah Karolski.
Other WSU profile resources:
Changes related to your global WSU profile:
- Update my address
- Change my name
- Change my email name/address
- Update my bulletin faculty list
- Update my UROP Connect profile
Cayuse/Evisions resources
WSU resources and figures
- SPA Facts Sheet
- FY 2023 Fringe Benefit Rates (basic rate used for sponsored projects)
- Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (9/22)
- WSU Tuition Rates 2022-23 Note: see Engineering (blue) in-state rates
- Effort % to Person-Months Conversion Chart